Dyslexic Diary: Now with my own domain

13-07-2022 2 minutes reading.

I rebuilt my blog: from scratch with Jekyll, Tailwind, Turbo Frame (from Hotwire Turbo package), and deployed it with Netlify. Later on, I plan to release a step-by-step guide or tutorial of what I did, maybe even offer a template with these tools properly configured under an open-source license.

Tutorial: Rails7, Tailwind, and Hotwire - Part 3

30-06-2022 20 minutes reading.

In the previous part of this tutorial, I explained how to use partial HTML rendering with turbo_stream from Hotwire Turbo, allowing us to display newly inserted or deleted cards in our humble Kanban prototype. Now, I’ll delve into the Hotwire Stimulus package.

Tutorial: Rails7, Tailwind, and Hotwire - Part 2

19-12-2021 11 minutes reading.

In the previous part of this tutorial, I explained how to customize and use Tailwind without a single line of CSS and JavaScript. Now, I’ll discuss a bit about the Hotwire Turbo package.

Tutorial: Rails7, Tailwind and Hotwire - Part 1

09-12-2021 11 minutes reading.

In the previous part of this tutorial, I explained how to set up Rails 7, its new options, and how I “dockerized” the PostgreSQL and Redis databases. Now, I’ll focus a bit on Tailwind.