I rebuilt my blog: from scratch with Jekyll, Tailwind, Turbo Frame (from Hotwire Turbo package), and deployed it with Netlify. Later on, I plan to release a step-by-step guide or tutorial of what I did, maybe even offer a template with these tools properly configured under an open-source license.
In the previous part of this tutorial,
I explained how to use partial HTML rendering with turbo_stream
Hotwire Turbo, allowing us to display newly inserted or deleted cards
in our humble Kanban prototype. Now, I’ll delve into the
Hotwire Stimulus package.
In the previous part of this tutorial, I explained how to customize and use Tailwind without a single line of CSS and JavaScript. Now, I’ll discuss a bit about the Hotwire Turbo package.
In the previous part of this tutorial, I explained how to set up Rails 7, its new options, and how I “dockerized” the PostgreSQL and Redis databases. Now, I’ll focus a bit on Tailwind.