Eugenio A. Jimenes

Developer, geek, dyslexic, linux fanboy, coffee hipster/addict and staunch leftist - CallMarx, get it?

Bachelor degree in Computer Science by University of São Paulo. I’ve been working in the area since 2012. Despite being curious and passionate about technology I maintain my ambiguous relation of “Yikes, what a delight!” with IT in the classic battle of managing expectations, focus and frustration.

Optimized text search with pg_search gem - Part I

18-01-2021 5 minutes reading.

Sinking on the internet I found the PgSearch gem which takes advantage of the Full Text Searching features of PostgreSQL. This Full Text Searching concept refers to computer strategies and techniques to optimize searches of words, phrases or even combinations of words, in big and multiple texts stored in a database. It has been a wide area of study and research within Computer Science since 1990.

Skinny Controller and Fat Model, but don't lose focus

17-12-2020 4 minutes reading.

Jamis Buck wrote the famous post Skinny Controller, Fat Model, it has become almost the mantra for the MVC pattern - Model-View-Controller. In this case, all logic that isn’t related to client/user response - View-Controller - must be inside the model, to keep response simple or rather, “skinny”.

My first post

10-12-2020 2 minutes reading.

I got my shit together and stopped being jealous of the numerous programming blogs that we can find in the immensity of the internet like “What I Learned Today”. Let’s see if I can keep these, at least something like “What I’ve Learned This Week”.