Eugenio A. Jimenes

Developer, geek, dyslexic, linux fanboy, coffee hipster/addict and staunch leftist - CallMarx, get it?

Bachelor degree in Computer Science by University of São Paulo. I’ve been working in the area since 2012. Despite being curious and passionate about technology I maintain my ambiguous relation of “Yikes, what a delight!” with IT in the classic battle of managing expectations, focus and frustration.

Today I learned: Etags in Rails

21-06-2024 4 minutes reading.

Recently I’ve been studying about Browser caching and noticed that I didn’t really know how to use Etags in Ruby on Rails. Then came the excellent opportunity for this “Today I learned”.

Ruby Metaprogramming - unraveling the world!

15-03-2023 7 minutes reading.

Some days ago I’ve tried to explain the concept of Metaprogramming to a friend who is starting in the IT area and is studying Ruby as her first language, my influence by the way, but I wasn’t satisfied with what I managed to teach about this subject.

I follow this motto: “You really understand something when you are able to comfortably teach it”. So here I’m, teaching myself with this article.

Dyslexic Diary: Now with my own domain

13-07-2022 2 minutes reading.

I rebuilt my blog: from scratch with Jekyll, Tailwind, Turbo Frame (from Hotwire Turbo package), and deployed it with Netlify. Later on, I plan to release a step-by-step guide or tutorial of what I did, maybe even offer a template with these tools properly configured under an open-source license.

Tutorial: Rails7, Tailwind, and Hotwire - Part 3

30-06-2022 20 minutes reading.

In the previous part of this tutorial, I explained how to use partial HTML rendering with turbo_stream from Hotwire Turbo, allowing us to display newly inserted or deleted cards in our humble Kanban prototype. Now, I’ll delve into the Hotwire Stimulus package.