Ruby Metaprogramming - unraveling the world!

15-03-2023 7 minutes reading.
Two mechanical hands fixing each other

Some days ago I’ve tried to explain the concept of Metaprogramming to a friend who is starting in the IT area and is studying Ruby as her first language, my influence by the way, but I wasn’t satisfied with what I managed to teach about this subject.

I follow this motto: “You really understand something when you are able to comfortably teach it”. So here I’m, teaching myself with this article.

What does Metaprogramming mean?

With a quick web search I found the following:

Metaprogramming is a technique by which you can write code that writes code by itself dynamically at runtime. This means you can define methods and classes during runtime. Crazy, right? In a nutshell, using metaprogramming you can reopen and modify classes, catch methods that don’t exist and create them on the fly, create code that is DRY by avoiding repetitions, and more.


So, in other words, it means that we use metaprogramming when we need to implement something dynamically, something that we can’t know exactly what will be, but we have a general notion of how it should behave.

A quick example in Rails

When we need to check the current environment in Rails, we usually use Rails.env.<environment_name>?, something like this:

if Rails.env.production?
  ... # Do something in the Production environment.

What you may not know is that Rails.env belongs to ActiveSupport::StringInquirer class. This class uses method_missing, so that you can call env.<environment_name>? instead of env == "environment_name".

The part of code that does this metaprogramming in ActiveSupport::StringInquirer looks like:

def method_missing(method_name, *arguments)
  if method_name.end_with?("?")
    self == method_name[0..-2]

You can see the full original code here.

These use of method_missing here means that if a method that wasn’t implemented directly with def ... end, so a missing method, and its name ends with ? then compare its name with the value of the instance of ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.

Another example that you can try is running the following code in some Rails application that you have in its rails console:

# Inside a Rails console
vehicle ='car') # => "car" # => true # => false
vehicle.motorcycle? # => false
vehicle.dummy? # => false

As you can see, a multitude of methods are available for this vehicle, which is an instance of ActiveSupport::StringInquirer, where only returns true because its value is "car".

More about method_missing in Ruby

This method is a private method in the BasicObject, which is the parent class of all classes in Ruby, it’s an explicit blank class. When some part of a code tries to execute a nonexistent method of Class, method_missing is called. The trick here is that you can override this method to provide some dynamic behavior, like we saw in ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.

In the official documentation, we find this explanation:

method_missing(symbol [, *args] ) → result

Invoked by Ruby when obj is sent a message it cannot handle. symbol is the symbol for the method called, and args are any arguments that were passed to it. By default, the interpreter raises an error when this method is called. However, it is possible to override the method to provide more dynamic behavior. If it is decided that a particular method should not be handled, then super should be called, so that ancestors can pick up the missing method.

So as you can see, method_missing was implemented in the BasicObject not only to deal with nonexistent methods, but also to be overridden in classes that we code. Here is an example with the usage with super:

class Dummy
  def method_missing(method_name, *args)
    name = method_name.to_s
    super unless name.start_with? "set_"

    attr_name = name.delete_prefix("set_")
    instance_variable_set("@#{attr_name}", args[0])

dummy =
# => "Eugenio"

dummy.set_hash({key: "vaule"})
# => {:key=>"vaule"}

dummy.nonexistent_method # it will trown an error
# => undefined method `nonexistent_method' for #<Dummy:0x00007f5e2dac29d8 @name="Eugenio", @hash={:key=>"vaule"}> (NoMethodError)

In this example a bunch of methods is dynamic defined to set and to allocate local variables of an instance of Dummy, but if this method name doesn’t start with “set_” than the original behavior of method_name is called through super.

About define_method in Ruby

Besides method_missing, we also can use define_method to do some metaprogramming. Both these methods are the most used to do this.

define_method is written in the Module class, which is a collection of methods and constants. Although method_missing is defined in the BasicObject, instead of this class Module, the usage of both are quite the same.

Note: If you read more about this Module class you will probably see something like Module is the superclass of Class and is also an instance of Class. It is confusing, I know, but the best explanation that I found is this answer by John Douthat in the Stackoverflow.

In the official documentation, we find this explanation of define_method:

define_method(symbol, method) → symbol

define_method(symbol) { block } → symbol

Defines an instance method in the receiver. The method parameter can be a Proc, a Method or an UnboundMethod object. If a block is specified, it is used as the method body. If a block or the method parameter has parameters, they’re used as method parameters. This block is evaluated using instance_eval.

The meaning of “This block is evaluated using instance_eval is that a code with define_method will be evaluated by a Ruby interpreter in the context where it is called, so if you call it inside some class it will be treated as an instance method, like a def some_instance_method; end, on the other hand if you call it inside a class << self; end it will be treated as a class method. Here is a simple example:

class MyClass
  define_method :some_instance_method do 
   "Hi, I'm a instance method --> self value: #{self}"

  class << self
    define_method :some_class_method do 
     "Hi, I'm a class method --> self value: #{self}"

# => "Hi, I'm a class method --> self value: MyClass" 
my_obj =
# => #<MyClass:0x00007f564213a818> 
# => "Hi, I'm a instance method --> self value: #<MyClass:0x00007f564213a818>"

A real life example for define_method use.

Imagine that you have a Post class for some blog and this class has a status attribute that can be draft, published or unpublished. To build some “status check” for each of these possibilities this code was written:

class Post
 # have a status attribute that can be draft, published or unpublished.
 def draft?
   status == "draft"
 def published?
   status == "published"
 def unpublished?
   status == "unpublished"

We definitely can do this better with define_method:

class Post
 define_method "#{method_name}?" do
  status == method_name

With this approach we not only build the three methods for the three states of status attribute, but also build the methods for possible future new states! If an edited status appears besides the others, we already have the edited? method. Also, if some status is no longer used we don’t need to erase its check method. All methods are dynamically built!
